Hand Fastening
In our society there are laws that govern what constitutes a marriage ceremony, the family law act specifically mentioned phrases that had to occur during the ceremony only 10 years ago.
As we follow the Westminster system in Australia that is very much centred in the Christian doctrine those phrases were Christian centred.
The laws in my state that made witchcraft a crime where only repealed a few years ago and it's 2018!
There are Pagan civil celebrants now and performing a hand fastening in the spirit and tradition of the pagan path is now much easier.
The following is a simple pledge between two people, not a full hand fastening ceremony.
This might be something you want to do before the actual ceremony and some have even made it at their engagements.
The blessings of the Goddess are called upon during a hand fastening, as is the reproductive love of the universe, the promise of new life and the Goddess's of love, fertility and joy.
How you want to prepare for this even is entirely up to you, some like to keep apart for that night which has been tradition in many spiritual paths, what ever you choose to do will be the right thing for you to do.
If you want to use the spell/ritual preparation methods then do this.
The following is an example of what can be said, you can change it to suit yourself of wright something completely different, however this is not what you would call your vowels/pledges to each other
As we follow the Westminster system in Australia that is very much centred in the Christian doctrine those phrases were Christian centred.
The laws in my state that made witchcraft a crime where only repealed a few years ago and it's 2018!
There are Pagan civil celebrants now and performing a hand fastening in the spirit and tradition of the pagan path is now much easier.
The following is a simple pledge between two people, not a full hand fastening ceremony.
This might be something you want to do before the actual ceremony and some have even made it at their engagements.
The blessings of the Goddess are called upon during a hand fastening, as is the reproductive love of the universe, the promise of new life and the Goddess's of love, fertility and joy.
How you want to prepare for this even is entirely up to you, some like to keep apart for that night which has been tradition in many spiritual paths, what ever you choose to do will be the right thing for you to do.
If you want to use the spell/ritual preparation methods then do this.
The following is an example of what can be said, you can change it to suit yourself of wright something completely different, however this is not what you would call your vowels/pledges to each other
Spell Example
In the presence of the oldest love,
I commit myself & spirit above,
To lasting love & might,
Let two become one light,
Blessed thanks to the oldest love & all those who see,
Blessings 3 x 3, so mote it be.
I commit myself & spirit above,
To lasting love & might,
Let two become one light,
Blessed thanks to the oldest love & all those who see,
Blessings 3 x 3, so mote it be.