House or Hearth Blessing
This is a wonderful gift for someone who has moved into a new house or for yourself if you have just moved into a new house.
This spell can also be used as a house protection spell, it is slightly different however carries the same sentiment. Preparation using a crystal grid on the border of the property is the same, the spell verse is also different.
It is also nice to do this with the new home occupiers to involve them in the preparations.
The preparations for this spell are a bit different than those of the other spells.
If you are doing this for own new home then you can follow the Spell/Ritual Preparation & add the quartz crystal grid.
If your new home is an apartment place the crystals at the four compass points the correspond to each room, if it is a unit or house with it's own yards place them outside at the boundary of the property where the compass points fall.
This spell can also be used as a house protection spell, it is slightly different however carries the same sentiment. Preparation using a crystal grid on the border of the property is the same, the spell verse is also different.
It is also nice to do this with the new home occupiers to involve them in the preparations.
The preparations for this spell are a bit different than those of the other spells.
If you are doing this for own new home then you can follow the Spell/Ritual Preparation & add the quartz crystal grid.
If your new home is an apartment place the crystals at the four compass points the correspond to each room, if it is a unit or house with it's own yards place them outside at the boundary of the property where the compass points fall.
Tools & Items You Will Need
Preparation of Crystals
When You Are Ready to Begin
Spell ExampleBring only into this home,
Brightest blessings known, Let flow into this hearth a new, Love, peace & prosperity true, Only energies of prosperity & light, May enter this home day or night. |