(August 1st)
Imbolc (also known as Candlemas) is the festival that celebrates the stirrings of spring, when seeds sprout, snows melt & the ground begins to warm.
For the Celtic & French St Bridget or St Blaize the Goddess of the sacred water. Imbolc is the word for 'ewe's milk' & this is time of lambing.
The God is young at this time & the Goddess in the form of Mother.
For the Celtic & French St Bridget or St Blaize the Goddess of the sacred water. Imbolc is the word for 'ewe's milk' & this is time of lambing.
The God is young at this time & the Goddess in the form of Mother.
The Imbolc Altar
Mix all dried plant parts together and burn small amounts on coal tablets. Be warned that plant material smells very different when burnt and is sometimes not as pleasant as you might expect. If you don't want to burn them place them in a small wooden bowl and use as an altar or table decoration. |
Family Activities
Essential Oils Always use true essential oils and essential oil mixes when working with energies as these carry the right vibration for the purpose. Fragrant oils won't work as well & can be very harsh.
To make a simple Imbolc mix put two drops each of the following in 10ml of carrier oil (Jojoba, grapeseed, olive oil) then shake well.
Tools & Items You Need
When You Are Ready to Begin The following steps are only a short version of the festival, it is the way our household celebrates Imbolc, there are many more formal & longer versions of rituals that can be performed for this festival. Check out the Helpful Links for books that might be helpful.