The below spells are slightly adapted from the personal protection spells.
Please feel free to write your own or to use other deities if you wish.
They are adapted to be more general to use for others.
If casting spell for others make sure the person you are trying to help agrees to it, or the energy from the spell will just simply dissipate without every reaching the intended.
These are again useful for repelling negativity from others or to boost confidence in situations that the person you are helping may not usually be comfortable in (i.e. public speaking or spotlight, court appearances or situations that makes the intended person feel uncomfortable).
All protection spells aim to raise vibration to a level where negativity is unable to influence the person named.
As with all spells & energy work you must make sure your intent is strong & coming from a place of love.
We would also recommend that you create a personal protection pouch as well as casting this spell that the intended person can carry with them (refer to Charging & Enchantment for more information).
It would be in their best interests to create this object themselves & then give it to you to strengthen during the spell.
To do this use herbs, crystals & essential oils that carry a protective vibration.
Tourmaline & tigers eye are excellent crystals for this.
White Sage & Rosemary dried oil also have excellent protection vibrations.
For an essential oil use Rosemary or you can look at our products under the Store tab.
Please feel free to write your own or to use other deities if you wish.
They are adapted to be more general to use for others.
If casting spell for others make sure the person you are trying to help agrees to it, or the energy from the spell will just simply dissipate without every reaching the intended.
These are again useful for repelling negativity from others or to boost confidence in situations that the person you are helping may not usually be comfortable in (i.e. public speaking or spotlight, court appearances or situations that makes the intended person feel uncomfortable).
All protection spells aim to raise vibration to a level where negativity is unable to influence the person named.
As with all spells & energy work you must make sure your intent is strong & coming from a place of love.
We would also recommend that you create a personal protection pouch as well as casting this spell that the intended person can carry with them (refer to Charging & Enchantment for more information).
It would be in their best interests to create this object themselves & then give it to you to strengthen during the spell.
To do this use herbs, crystals & essential oils that carry a protective vibration.
Tourmaline & tigers eye are excellent crystals for this.
White Sage & Rosemary dried oil also have excellent protection vibrations.
For an essential oil use Rosemary or you can look at our products under the Store tab.
Tools & Items You Will Need
When You Are Ready to Begin
Less Formal Spell ExampleI call to those of old of love, truth & power,
I ask you walk with (name) in the coming hours, Disable those who turn from truths position, Enable universal truth & vision, Shield (name) from energies projected, Return them to the source rejected. |
More Formal Spell ExampleHeru great warrior & God of flight,
Avenger of thy father I bid you hear my plight, On swift wing please take from (name), This negative from others be returned by thee, Let no others be harmed along the way, Let this negative be bought back to origin to stay, Bind to origin their negative actions, Release only on realized retractions, Heru great warrior & God of flight, Take from (name) this negative plight. |