I sit here watching one of the many generic TV series on Druids & Celts, with a much deeper & older sense of familiarity, like an old road travelled long ago. I remember past lives when the magicks were strong & well known within those societies. I am reminded of the feelings of connected-ness with the planet and movements of nature. I feel how these still call to all of us in the language of all in the natural world. The messengers of nature that carry meaning in every move they make. They bring knowledge to anyone willing to listen closely enough.
The deep magicks in these lands, as with many others I remember, have a beautiful call. This call echos across time & through lifetimes. All of my past lives remembered have connections with magicks & healing. I have felt this is lost in many aspects of modern society. This is perhaps a loss from past eras but it was more likely the loss of a connection with the life around me. When I heard the call & felt the pull back to the oldest of ways I heard it as whispers, they are waiting, but never gone.
Modern society has tried to teach me to essentially ignore these. It doesn’t seem to allow us to connect with much. It attempts to distract us, asking us to focus on our physical world. Often making it as painful as possible for us to even attempt a connection outside its prescribed narrative. Our constructed ‘time poor’ society also controls us through the fear (mostly loss of money). However, as many more are now waking we often find ourselves wanting & needing something more. How do we blend our modern lives with the call to old magicks? Many of us find this difficult so we simply ignore the call to re-connect, a connection that what was once effortless & unconscious.
In many ways Western Society has given us many more ‘freedoms’ & there is no doubt we have developed & grown as a species. It appears we are still oppressed, albeit subtle, by that very society telling us we are ‘free’. We are manipulated into directing our focus away from any other connections, caught in another state of fear. The state that convinces us we ‘need’ things & stuff, the state that calls to the primal desire to only obtain the most basic of physical needs. We have become driven by the need to consume, followed by the need for excessive accumulation of possessions to alleviate fear.
I am one of those lucky few who has, in recent years, fallen on their feet in a situation that allows me to concentrate less on societal manipulations & more on re-connection. Most of my life I has been spent in a category of society that has always felt the fear of losing money. I felt this even though to a great extent I didn’t (still don't) care about 'stuff'. Throughout our recorded history control has been obtained through fear of loosing something. My re-connection has been the most important way to reduce my participation in the accumulation of ‘stuff’ that ironically has reduced the fear of loosing it. 'Stuff' merely provided false satisfaction & temporary relief of fear.
To provide lasting relief from 'stuff' driven fear I had to reconnect energetically on a more profound level. We have always celebrated the festivals & changing seasons but with a more modern theme. I have done this for ¾ of my lifetime, something I felt necessary as a way to maintain the connection with our natural world. Even with our changing climate I have found, when you find quietness you begin to hear the movements of the planet again. You can, still sense the season changes. These festivals have always provided a deep sense of connection with the magicks. What I needed was to be more active in energy work between festivals.
The old ways weren't the entire answer either. I have discovered they needed to be modified to blend with our current lives. The energies themselves should become more apparent when we construct & modernise our rituals & energy work. We need to give them personal meaning. Most Pagan paths depend on the personalized intent & determination. All we need to do is step back from the control, fear & manipulation of current society. When we do we can again notice the magicks that once easily coursed through our consciousness. It is found in the stillness & silence where nature, the magicks & our energetic selves can be heard.
With all that is around us now it is so hard to find quiet. Silence is very much in short supply in my experience. It can also seem easy for someone who doesn’t have as many modern societal pressures, but for those where the fear of loss (income/material wealth/stuff) isn’t strong they can still be caught up in obtaining ‘stuff’. They can still be caught in that cycle of fear. As someone who has been in this fear cycle for many years, I now have a deep appreciation for my current situation. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to pursue re-connecting in a relatively fear free environment.
If you managed to get to this point in that long spiel thank you! I plan, in the coming weeks, to post some of my experiences over the years of working with old magicks in a modern setting. I will look at exploring the re-connection with the planet, retraining the way I think, view & approach things & how this has enriched my energetic practices.