Hello everyone,
A quick note about our new casting service we have added to the site. I have resisted this for years & finally caved this week. We are still strongly recommending that people perform their own rituals & spells it's so much better when you do these yourself. We have contact information on the site now to call us or email us directly if you need any guidance at all to help you, we would much prefer to help you do it yourself rather than for you. If you are still not confident or for any other reason need someone else to do if for you then we will help. Again I can't emphasize enough how important it is for gain the experience & confidence by performing them yourself is.
The Hunters Moon/Last Harvests Moon
There are so many memes circulating social media at the moment (as ever year it does) talking about the pink moon in April & a lot of these are Australian sites, groups, pages etc. The pink moon is in April yes. but not for us! This is the spring moon which is what April is for the North, here however we have the last harvest for the year when apples, pumpkins & other last harvest crops are harvested. It is also the last moon for the year when hunters can acquire game or at least it would be in areas that snow over winter.
When you see these posts telling you about the things to do & ask for on this moon be aware that if you are in the North yes that is the right time for calling these energies but if you are in the south you need to be speaking with the Hunters/Last Harvest moon energies. It is often confusing as a lot of the popular sites/pages/groups generally don't look for the consistencies of where they located or where their fan base is located. If you want more information on either of these you can check out the tab Moon Work .
Another Past Life
I have titled this above as my Atlantian Self as the whole experience felt very much like the era of Atlantis however it could very well have just been my conscious mind substituting what was familiar to make sense. Now having said that this is what I saw during this session. This was a extremely long time ago, the experience turned my perspective of human civilization's time frame on it's head. Our recorded history that we have found goes back only 15,000 years & not all of this is detailed. We have had many reboots of civilization, this past life was either my first on this planet or one of my first.
I was female, in a city built entirely on an island in a warm forgiving climate. The entire island was the city, supplies were bought in by freight boats from the mainland that was visible from the city but only just. I was young but again promised to another person as their life partner. Someone that wasn't that much older than me & from a shipping family. The city was white marble & sandstone buildings & even the 'less affluent' areas where still large beautiful structures. Money & trade wasn't a huge part of this society most comforts were available to everyone. There was at this stage of the civilization a hierarchical system with one family enjoying the status of what we would call 'royal' now.
Crystal Generators
This wasn't my family & the common members of the population where not permitted to enter the royal grounds, which were located on the top of the hills in the center of the city. The main path to the royal structures where bordered by huge columns with raw crystal points on top of them, these structures also dotted the borders of the island & smaller ones around the streets. These provided energy, light, security & also extended to the mainland. The whole system was powered by a main crystal hidden in the royal grounds however never seen by common members of the population. I being a common member never saw this crystal but new about it as much as the rest did.
These crystal generators where only as stable & powerful as the minds & hearts of our population. They where very old & I got the feeling they were not build by the culture I was apart of at this time but another that was much older. From our current perspective this life occurred a smidgen under 240k years ago. The sense I was given was that this crystal system was at least 20k years older. During my lifetime here the mindset began to change from a higher vibration of spiritual growth & unity to a lower one of greed, discrimination & fear. The disturbances in the vibration of our population was expressing in the vibration of the crystals as well. There were increasing earthquakes, in this area they had not been prone to earth quakes in any of the knowledge I was aware of.
The Ending of this Era
I was close to my joining ceremony with my betrothed partner when what could be called 'the big one' hit. We had warnings for a number of months before it however had no idea that the fear gripping the city was actually causing these. Nothing the royals, priests/keepers could do to alleviate fear as they were unaware this was the problem. My family was lucky as at the time we were down at the water with my future partners family, we were close to the ships that could take us away from the city to the mainland & safety.
I was put on a boat along with my future partner, mother in law & mother. My father & father in law stayed to help others and co ordinate ships. The strangest thing about this event was the priests & royals did not evacuate to my knowledge. I did witness the crystal generator towers falling, the island splitting into fragments, parts falling into the sea, a rough ride to the mainland, a load of suffering & fear similar to that I experienced on my soul seed planet as it died (that's another story). The city was all but destroyed, we never saw the royals again however some of the priests did survive & started a more rigid & secretive version of what we had known on the mainland.
The Beginning of Another Era
The city was gone however the small bunch of islands that resulted were still there, from what I understand now of this experience & lifetime those too would be lost to rising seas. I didn't end up being joined to my promised partner we were separated on the mainland. My mother & I moved a long way inland, we no longer trusted the sea & we feared it greatly. We lived on a small parcel of land in an old farm house & learned the art of healing with herbs, potions & energies. In my older experience of this life time I was known as the cunning women of the village.
I didn't marry at all during this lifetime & was eventually chased & murdered by suspicious villagers under the direction of the authorities of the time. Civilization was still very fractured, even though these actions were against the laws at the time, fear, prejudiced & corruption had become a big part of societies everywhere. This has perpetuated for so long & only now in our Western World are we finally seeing it begin to ease as many of us now begin to awaken. This is the oldest lifetime I have so far uncovered for me. It was also one of the most pleasant on in this form on this planet despite how it ended.
Thanks for reading through all that,
Blessed be
A quick note about our new casting service we have added to the site. I have resisted this for years & finally caved this week. We are still strongly recommending that people perform their own rituals & spells it's so much better when you do these yourself. We have contact information on the site now to call us or email us directly if you need any guidance at all to help you, we would much prefer to help you do it yourself rather than for you. If you are still not confident or for any other reason need someone else to do if for you then we will help. Again I can't emphasize enough how important it is for gain the experience & confidence by performing them yourself is.
The Hunters Moon/Last Harvests Moon
There are so many memes circulating social media at the moment (as ever year it does) talking about the pink moon in April & a lot of these are Australian sites, groups, pages etc. The pink moon is in April yes. but not for us! This is the spring moon which is what April is for the North, here however we have the last harvest for the year when apples, pumpkins & other last harvest crops are harvested. It is also the last moon for the year when hunters can acquire game or at least it would be in areas that snow over winter.
When you see these posts telling you about the things to do & ask for on this moon be aware that if you are in the North yes that is the right time for calling these energies but if you are in the south you need to be speaking with the Hunters/Last Harvest moon energies. It is often confusing as a lot of the popular sites/pages/groups generally don't look for the consistencies of where they located or where their fan base is located. If you want more information on either of these you can check out the tab Moon Work .
Another Past Life
I have titled this above as my Atlantian Self as the whole experience felt very much like the era of Atlantis however it could very well have just been my conscious mind substituting what was familiar to make sense. Now having said that this is what I saw during this session. This was a extremely long time ago, the experience turned my perspective of human civilization's time frame on it's head. Our recorded history that we have found goes back only 15,000 years & not all of this is detailed. We have had many reboots of civilization, this past life was either my first on this planet or one of my first.
I was female, in a city built entirely on an island in a warm forgiving climate. The entire island was the city, supplies were bought in by freight boats from the mainland that was visible from the city but only just. I was young but again promised to another person as their life partner. Someone that wasn't that much older than me & from a shipping family. The city was white marble & sandstone buildings & even the 'less affluent' areas where still large beautiful structures. Money & trade wasn't a huge part of this society most comforts were available to everyone. There was at this stage of the civilization a hierarchical system with one family enjoying the status of what we would call 'royal' now.
Crystal Generators
This wasn't my family & the common members of the population where not permitted to enter the royal grounds, which were located on the top of the hills in the center of the city. The main path to the royal structures where bordered by huge columns with raw crystal points on top of them, these structures also dotted the borders of the island & smaller ones around the streets. These provided energy, light, security & also extended to the mainland. The whole system was powered by a main crystal hidden in the royal grounds however never seen by common members of the population. I being a common member never saw this crystal but new about it as much as the rest did.
These crystal generators where only as stable & powerful as the minds & hearts of our population. They where very old & I got the feeling they were not build by the culture I was apart of at this time but another that was much older. From our current perspective this life occurred a smidgen under 240k years ago. The sense I was given was that this crystal system was at least 20k years older. During my lifetime here the mindset began to change from a higher vibration of spiritual growth & unity to a lower one of greed, discrimination & fear. The disturbances in the vibration of our population was expressing in the vibration of the crystals as well. There were increasing earthquakes, in this area they had not been prone to earth quakes in any of the knowledge I was aware of.
The Ending of this Era
I was close to my joining ceremony with my betrothed partner when what could be called 'the big one' hit. We had warnings for a number of months before it however had no idea that the fear gripping the city was actually causing these. Nothing the royals, priests/keepers could do to alleviate fear as they were unaware this was the problem. My family was lucky as at the time we were down at the water with my future partners family, we were close to the ships that could take us away from the city to the mainland & safety.
I was put on a boat along with my future partner, mother in law & mother. My father & father in law stayed to help others and co ordinate ships. The strangest thing about this event was the priests & royals did not evacuate to my knowledge. I did witness the crystal generator towers falling, the island splitting into fragments, parts falling into the sea, a rough ride to the mainland, a load of suffering & fear similar to that I experienced on my soul seed planet as it died (that's another story). The city was all but destroyed, we never saw the royals again however some of the priests did survive & started a more rigid & secretive version of what we had known on the mainland.
The Beginning of Another Era
The city was gone however the small bunch of islands that resulted were still there, from what I understand now of this experience & lifetime those too would be lost to rising seas. I didn't end up being joined to my promised partner we were separated on the mainland. My mother & I moved a long way inland, we no longer trusted the sea & we feared it greatly. We lived on a small parcel of land in an old farm house & learned the art of healing with herbs, potions & energies. In my older experience of this life time I was known as the cunning women of the village.
I didn't marry at all during this lifetime & was eventually chased & murdered by suspicious villagers under the direction of the authorities of the time. Civilization was still very fractured, even though these actions were against the laws at the time, fear, prejudiced & corruption had become a big part of societies everywhere. This has perpetuated for so long & only now in our Western World are we finally seeing it begin to ease as many of us now begin to awaken. This is the oldest lifetime I have so far uncovered for me. It was also one of the most pleasant on in this form on this planet despite how it ended.
Thanks for reading through all that,
Blessed be